Concentration of serum magnsium in newborn infants with hypoixic ischemic encephalopathy /
Tamer Hamdy Mahmoud Shosha
Concentration of serum magnsium in newborn infants with hypoixic ischemic encephalopathy / تركيز الماغنسيوم فى دم الاطفال حديثى الولادة مرضى الاعتلال المخى الدموى Tamer Hamdy Mahmoud Shosha ; Supervised Laila Hussein Mohamed , Ola Abdelmoneim Elsisi , Mai Ahmed Khairy - Cairo : Tamer Hamdy Mahmoud Shosha , 2008 - 102P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Pediatrics
Perinatal asphyxia is one of leading causes and perinatal death newomotor disability , at celluar level.A cascade of biochemical events leading to cell death.Magnesium - calcium and sodium derangements are frequent findings in asphyxiated infants and these abnormalities are signicantly associated with poor outcome
Hypoixic ischemic encephalopathy Magnsium Newborn
Concentration of serum magnsium in newborn infants with hypoixic ischemic encephalopathy / تركيز الماغنسيوم فى دم الاطفال حديثى الولادة مرضى الاعتلال المخى الدموى Tamer Hamdy Mahmoud Shosha ; Supervised Laila Hussein Mohamed , Ola Abdelmoneim Elsisi , Mai Ahmed Khairy - Cairo : Tamer Hamdy Mahmoud Shosha , 2008 - 102P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Pediatrics
Perinatal asphyxia is one of leading causes and perinatal death newomotor disability , at celluar level.A cascade of biochemical events leading to cell death.Magnesium - calcium and sodium derangements are frequent findings in asphyxiated infants and these abnormalities are signicantly associated with poor outcome
Hypoixic ischemic encephalopathy Magnsium Newborn