
Light and electron microscopic changes in bone marrow cells subjected to drugs and chemicals an invitro study /

Basma Mostafa Elgamal

Light and electron microscopic changes in bone marrow cells subjected to drugs and chemicals an invitro study / التغيرات الميكروسكوبية بالمجهر الضوئى والالكترونى لخلايا النخاع العظمى المعرضة للأدوية والكيماويات : دراسة خارج الجسم Basma Mostafa Elgamal ; Supervised Amira Mokhtar Khorshed , Amr Hammam Zeiada , Khaled Mostafa Aboulenein - Cairo : Basma Mostafa Elgamal , 2000 - 175P. : photographs ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department Of Clinical Pathology