The new dictionary of thought; a cyclopedia of quotations from the best authors of the world, both ancient and modern,
Edwards, Tryon, 1809-1894. [from old catalog]
The new dictionary of thought; a cyclopedia of quotations from the best authors of the world, both ancient and modern, - rev. and enl. - New York, Standard Book Co., 1974. - xxxv, 746, xxxiv p. illus., ports. 24 cm.
Quotations, English. [from old catalog]
PN6331 / .E2 1974
The new dictionary of thought; a cyclopedia of quotations from the best authors of the world, both ancient and modern, - rev. and enl. - New York, Standard Book Co., 1974. - xxxv, 746, xxxiv p. illus., ports. 24 cm.
Quotations, English. [from old catalog]
PN6331 / .E2 1974