Mahomet: prophete et homme d etat/
Watt, W. Montgomery
Mahomet: prophete et homme d etat/ [by] W. Montgomery Watt. - Paris:Petite bibliotheque payot, 1962 - 222 p.; 18 cm. - A Galaxy book, 409 .
"Essentially an abridgement of the ... [author's] Muhammad at Mecca and Muhammad at Medina." Translsted into English:Muhammad: prophet and statesman
Includes bibliographical references.
Muhammad, Prophet, -632.
BP75 / .W33 1962
Mahomet: prophete et homme d etat/ [by] W. Montgomery Watt. - Paris:Petite bibliotheque payot, 1962 - 222 p.; 18 cm. - A Galaxy book, 409 .
"Essentially an abridgement of the ... [author's] Muhammad at Mecca and Muhammad at Medina." Translsted into English:Muhammad: prophet and statesman
Includes bibliographical references.
Muhammad, Prophet, -632.
BP75 / .W33 1962