The place of Egypt in prehistory; a correlated study of climates and cultures in the old world,
Huzayyin, Suliman Ahmad.
The place of Egypt in prehistory; a correlated study of climates and cultures in the old world, by S. A. Huzayyin. With a foreword by Prof. H. J. Fleure, D.SC. - Cairo [Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale] 1941. - xxxiv, 474 p. incl. XVIII pl. 28 x 23 cm. - Memoires presentes a l'Institut d'Egypte, t. 43 .
Descriptive letterpress on versos facing the plates. Errata slip inserted.
Bibliography: p. [337]-406.
Human beings--Effect of environment on.
Stone age.
Stone age--Egypt.
DT43 / .I625 t.43
The place of Egypt in prehistory; a correlated study of climates and cultures in the old world, by S. A. Huzayyin. With a foreword by Prof. H. J. Fleure, D.SC. - Cairo [Impr. de l'Institut francais d'archeologie orientale] 1941. - xxxiv, 474 p. incl. XVIII pl. 28 x 23 cm. - Memoires presentes a l'Institut d'Egypte, t. 43 .
Descriptive letterpress on versos facing the plates. Errata slip inserted.
Bibliography: p. [337]-406.
Human beings--Effect of environment on.
Stone age.
Stone age--Egypt.
DT43 / .I625 t.43