
Salinity Seminar Baghdad Report of regional seminar on mthods of amelioration of saline and waterlogged soils / Water Resources and Development Sevice. Land and Water Development Division.

Salinity Seminar Baghdad Report of regional seminar on mthods of amelioration of saline and waterlogged soils / Water Resources and Development Sevice. Land and Water Development Division. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Water Resources and Development Sevice. Land and Water Development Division, 1971. - v, 254 p. : ill. ; 28 cm. - Irrigation and drainage paper ; 7 .

Includes bibliographies.

Salt-tolerant crops.
Soils, Salts in.
Waterlogging (Soils).

TC970 / .F66 1970
