
2001-2010: OAU Decade forAfrican traditional medicine = 2001-2010 Decennie de lOUA de la medecine traditionnelle Africaine : Processdings of the 15th meeting of the inter-African experts Committee on African traditional medicine and medicinal plants, Arusha, Tanzania,15-17 Jan.,2002 /

2001-2010: OAU Decade forAfrican traditional medicine = 2001-2010 Decennie de lOUA de la medecine traditionnelle Africaine : Processdings of the 15th meeting of the inter-African experts Committee on African traditional medicine and medicinal plants, Arusha, Tanzania,15-17 Jan.,2002 / Edited by Kolawole. O. Adenji. - Zaria, Nigeria : M.H. Jinju, 2002. - 169 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

English and French.


Herbs--Therapeutic use--Africa.
Medicinal plants--Africa.
Traditional medicine--Africa.