
Scholarships, fellowships, and loans.

Scholarships, fellowships, and loans. - Boston, Mass. : Bellman Pub. Co., c1949- - v. : ill. ; 25-29 cm. - Annual, 1996- - Biennial, 1992-1993-1994-1995 Irregular, 1949-1972 Quinquennial, 1977-1992-1993 - 1st ed.-

American Window Editors: S. Norman Feingold, 1st ed.-v. 5; S. Norman Feingold and Marie Feingold, v. 6-8. Imprint varies: Vol. 4 published by Bellman Pub. Co. in Cambridge, Mass.; v. 5-7 in Arlington, Mass.; v. 8 in Bethesda, Md.; v. 9- by Gale Research in Detroit, Mich. Library's copy no.(189850 ) Gift from The American Embassy in Cairo, Library's copy no.(191024) Gift from OPEC Fund for International Development

Includes bibliographical references.

Publication designated 1st ed. (1949); v. 2-5 (1951-1972?); 13th ed. (1998?)-

"A guide to education-related financial aid programs for students and professionals."

1058-5699 = Scholarships, fellowships, and loans (Boston, Mass.) = Scholarsh. fellowsh. loans (Boston Mass.)


Scholarships--United States--Periodicals.
âEtudiants--Aide financiلere--âEtats-Unis--Râepertoires.
Bourses d'âetudes--âEtats-Unis--Râepertoires.
Fellowships and Scholarships--United States--Directory.
Fellowships and Scholarships--United States--Periodicals.
Training Support--United States--Directory.
Training Support--United States--Periodicals.

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