
C - cell changes in different neoplastic and non - neoplastic conditions of the thyroid gland /

Nader Makram Milad

C - cell changes in different neoplastic and non - neoplastic conditions of the thyroid gland / دراسة التغيرات المختلفة التى تحدث فى خلايا - سى فى الحالات الورميه وغير الورميه للغدة الدرقية Nader Makram Milad ; Supervised Adel Fouad Ramzy , Elia Anis Ishak , Amr Yehia Elshayeb - Cairo : Nader Makram Milad , 1999 - 88P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of General Surgery