Rosario is dead /
Axelsson, Majgull, 1947-
Rosario is dead / by Majgull Axelsson. - Stockholm : Raben Prisma, c1996. - 154 p. ; 22 cm.
First published: Stockholm, Sweden : Bokfèorlaget Rabâen Prisma AB, 1991.
Child sexual abuse in the Philippines.
Axelsson, Majgull, 1947-
Baluyot, Rosario, d. 1987.
Child abuse--Philippines.
Child sexual abuse--Philippines.
Street children--Crimes against--Philippines.
Swedish fiction--20th century--Translations into Spanish.
HV6626.54.P6 / A94 1997
Rosario is dead / by Majgull Axelsson. - Stockholm : Raben Prisma, c1996. - 154 p. ; 22 cm.
First published: Stockholm, Sweden : Bokfèorlaget Rabâen Prisma AB, 1991.
Child sexual abuse in the Philippines.
Axelsson, Majgull, 1947-
Baluyot, Rosario, d. 1987.
Child abuse--Philippines.
Child sexual abuse--Philippines.
Street children--Crimes against--Philippines.
Swedish fiction--20th century--Translations into Spanish.
HV6626.54.P6 / A94 1997