The sociology of knowledge; its structure and its relation to the philosophy of knowledge, a critical analysis of the systems of Karl Mannheim and Pitirim A. Sorokin.
Maquet, Jacques Jerome Pierre, 1919-
The sociology of knowledge; its structure and its relation to the philosophy of knowledge, a critical analysis of the systems of Karl Mannheim and Pitirim A. Sorokin. Translated by John F. Locke, with a pref. by F.S.C. Northrop. - Boston, Beacon Press, 1951. - xix, 318 p. 22 cm.
Bibliography: p. 298-311.
Mannheim, Karl, 1893-1947.
Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, 1889-1968.
Knowledge, Sociology of.
Knowledge, Theory of.
BD175 / .M343
The sociology of knowledge; its structure and its relation to the philosophy of knowledge, a critical analysis of the systems of Karl Mannheim and Pitirim A. Sorokin. Translated by John F. Locke, with a pref. by F.S.C. Northrop. - Boston, Beacon Press, 1951. - xix, 318 p. 22 cm.
Bibliography: p. 298-311.
Mannheim, Karl, 1893-1947.
Sorokin, Pitirim Aleksandrovich, 1889-1968.
Knowledge, Sociology of.
Knowledge, Theory of.
BD175 / .M343