Histological and pathologocal studies on some lmphoid organs after the inoculation of marek's vaccine in baladi chicks /
Ola Tawfik Hassan Zaazooh
Histological and pathologocal studies on some lmphoid organs after the inoculation of marek's vaccine in baladi chicks / دراسات هيستولوجية وباثولوجية على بعض الاعضاء الليمفاوية بعد حقن لقاح مارك فى كتاكيت الدجاج البلدى Ola Tawfik Hassan Zaazooh ; Supervised Adel Zaki Abdelmoneem Elkerdaw , Shehata Mohamed Mohamed Soliman , Assia Mohame Elsaw - Cairo : Ola Tawfik Hassan Zaazooh , 2002 - 140P. : facsimiles ; 30Cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine - Department Of Histology and Cytology
baladi chicks Histology marek's vaccine
Histological and pathologocal studies on some lmphoid organs after the inoculation of marek's vaccine in baladi chicks / دراسات هيستولوجية وباثولوجية على بعض الاعضاء الليمفاوية بعد حقن لقاح مارك فى كتاكيت الدجاج البلدى Ola Tawfik Hassan Zaazooh ; Supervised Adel Zaki Abdelmoneem Elkerdaw , Shehata Mohamed Mohamed Soliman , Assia Mohame Elsaw - Cairo : Ola Tawfik Hassan Zaazooh , 2002 - 140P. : facsimiles ; 30Cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine - Department Of Histology and Cytology
baladi chicks Histology marek's vaccine