
On the status of the observance and protection of rights of the Ukrainian citizens abroad /

On the status of the observance and protection of rights of the Ukrainian citizens abroad / Title in colophon: State of observance and protection of the rights of Ukrainian citizens abroad : special report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for human rights. [N.I. Karpachova]. - Kyèiv : Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for human rights, 2005. - 161 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

At head of title: Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for human rights.

Translation of: Stan dotrymannëia ta zakhystu prav hromadëian Ukraèiny za kordonom : speëtsialʹna dopovidʹ Upovnovaëzhenoho Verkhovnoèi Rady Ukraèiny z prav lëiudyny.



Ukrainians--Civil rights--Foreign countries.
Ukrainians--Legal status, laws, etc.--Foreign countries.

Ukraine--Emigration and immigration.

K636 / .U57 2005