Conference on Institutional and Policy Challenges Facing the Egyptian Economy, Ghunaym A., Nassar H., United States & Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies (Egypt). (2003). Institutional and policy challenges facing the Egyptian economy. [Cairo]: Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies.
Conference on Institutional and Policy Challenges Facing the Egyptian Economy, Ghunaym Aٍhmad, Nassar Heba, United States and Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies (Egypt). 2003. Institutional and policy challenges facing the Egyptian economy. [Cairo]: Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies.
Conference on Institutional and Policy Challenges Facing the Egyptian Economy, Ghunaym A., Nassar H., United States and Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies (Egypt). (2003). Institutional and policy challenges facing the Egyptian economy. [Cairo]: Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies.
Conference on Institutional and Policy Challenges Facing the Egyptian Economy, Ghunaym Aٍhmad, Nassar Heba, United States and Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies (Egypt). Institutional and policy challenges facing the Egyptian economy. [Cairo]: Center for Economic and Financial Research and Studies. 2003.