
Study on reproductive and productive performance of baladi black and wite new - zealand rabbits /

Noha Fathy Ahmed Saleh

Study on reproductive and productive performance of baladi black and wite new - zealand rabbits / دراسة على الاداء التناسلى والانتاجى للأرانب البلدى الاسود والنيوزلندى Noha Fathy Ahmed Saleh ; Supervised Souzan Ahmed Riad , Hosam Mohamed Safaa , Mohamed Essa Emara - Cairo : Noha Fathy Ahmed Saleh , 2008 - 125P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Agriculture - Department Of Animal Production

Tow experiments were conducted in the faculty of agriculture Cairo university the experimental work was carried out in an industrial rabbitry Elobour city Qalubia province Egypt.libido and semen quality in bb bucks were better than WNZ ones under Egypt conditions

Productive performance Rabbit Zealand Rabbit