
50 centuries of Science: The Torch passes to Europe

Serageldin, Ismail, 1944-

50 centuries of Science: The Torch passes to Europe [electronic resource] / خمسون قرنا من العلم : انتقال الشعلى الى اوروبا [electronic resource] Fifty centuries of Science: ٌThe Torch passes to Europe [electronic resource]. Bibliotheque Alexandrie , Computer File - Alexandria: Bibliotheque Alexandrie : 2012. - CD-ROM : sound, color ; 4 3/4 in. - HORZONS : Exploration in Science Old and New . - HORZONS : Exploration in Science Old and New .

50 centuries of science: This is the story of science in Egypt . it is the story of 50 centuries of science embracing astronomy. Mathematics. Engineering, medicine and many other fields, including the development of modern empirical methods a thousand years ago, centuries before the European Renaissance. And how, after a perod of stagnation, egypt is re-igniting its talents to join in the 21st century enterprise of global knowledge. Explorations in science old and new: A TV series of 25-minute episodes prepared and presented by small serageldin (Available in Arabic and English) The Torch passes to Europe: In the 16th and 17th centuries , the Renaissance would end the thousand years of darkness, and the scientific revolution to follow would begin to build the edifice of modern science and launch Europe into its age of world dominance. The Torch of learning was passing from the muslim world to europe, while egtpt, as a province of the might ottoman Empire, would stagnate. There is a copy of it in Arabic.

All General.

System requirements for Windows version: IBM PC-AT or 100% compatible; minimum 640KB RAM; minimum 2 MB hard disk space available (6MB for sound); Windows 3.1 or higher; CD-ROM drive with Microsoft CD extensions 2.1 or higher; Soundblaster v. 2.0 or higher for sound (optional); Hayes compatible phone modem for ON-LINE, auto dialer support (optional).

City and Town life--History.--Europe
Civilization, Western.
Civilization, Western--History.
Documentary films.

History of Science in Europe.