
Three Dimensional analyses of selected parameters of vertebral column in subjects with pes planus /

Rania Farid Sokkar

Three Dimensional analyses of selected parameters of vertebral column in subjects with pes planus / التحليل ثلاثى الابعاد للعمود الفقرى فى حالات تفلطح القدمين Rania Farid Sokkar ; Supervised Ahmed Hassan Hussien , Allaa Balbaa , Hazem Elsebaay - Cairo : Rania Farid Sokkar , 2005 - 114p : ill , 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Physical Therapy - Department Of Musculoskeletal Disorders

Flat foot deformity consists of excessive pronated subtalar joint also the talar head loses its support because the calcaneus assumes a more valgus position therefore , the talus become more vertically disposed and longitudinal arch consequently flattens these manifestation of abnormal foot mechanics makes the foot unable to absorb the forces of weigh bearing effectively and as a result alter the orthokinematic relation of all body joint from foot to back and finally the mechanics of the human spine will be affected on the long run

Pes planus Scoliosis (lateral deviation of the spine) Spinal shape analyses Surface rotation of the spine