Indonesian transitions /
Indonesian transitions /
editor, Henk Schulte Nordholt, Ireen Hoogenboom.
- Yogyakarta : Pustaka Pelajar, 2006.
- xiv, 356 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.
Copy no. (201604) gift from The ASEAN Committee in Cairo , no. (201214) gift from Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia.
Includes bibliographical references.
Close encounters and distant violence, local experiences of Indonesia's total crisis / Agus Indiyanto ... [et al.] -- Private law and public power, tangled threads in Indonesian land regulation / Daniel Fitzpatrick -- Nation, region, and the ambiguities of modernity in Indonesia in the 1950s / Gusti Asnan ... [et al.] -- The forest, the state, and communal conflict in West Kalimantan, Indonesia / Gerry van Klinken -- Syu'un ijtima'iyah and the kiai rakyat / Martin van Bruinessen and Farid Wajidi -- Memories of protest, students, history, space, and the loss of agency in post-Suharto, Jakarta / Yatun Sastramidjaja -- Ghosthunting and vulgar news, popular realities on recent Indonesian television / Bernard Arps and Katinka van Heeren -- Mobile modernities in contemporary Indonesia / Bart Barendregt.
Indonesia--Politics and government--1998-
Indonesia--Politics and government--20th century.
Indonesia--Social conditions.
DS644 / .I4766 2006
Copy no. (201604) gift from The ASEAN Committee in Cairo , no. (201214) gift from Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia.
Includes bibliographical references.
Close encounters and distant violence, local experiences of Indonesia's total crisis / Agus Indiyanto ... [et al.] -- Private law and public power, tangled threads in Indonesian land regulation / Daniel Fitzpatrick -- Nation, region, and the ambiguities of modernity in Indonesia in the 1950s / Gusti Asnan ... [et al.] -- The forest, the state, and communal conflict in West Kalimantan, Indonesia / Gerry van Klinken -- Syu'un ijtima'iyah and the kiai rakyat / Martin van Bruinessen and Farid Wajidi -- Memories of protest, students, history, space, and the loss of agency in post-Suharto, Jakarta / Yatun Sastramidjaja -- Ghosthunting and vulgar news, popular realities on recent Indonesian television / Bernard Arps and Katinka van Heeren -- Mobile modernities in contemporary Indonesia / Bart Barendregt.
Indonesia--Politics and government--1998-
Indonesia--Politics and government--20th century.
Indonesia--Social conditions.
DS644 / .I4766 2006