The other side of the coin; an American perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict
Lilienthal, Alfred M.
The other side of the coin; an American perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict [by] Alfred M. Lilienthal. - New York, Devin-Adair Co., 1965. - xii, 420 p. map (on lining papers) 21 cm.
"References": p. 353-409.
Jewish-Arab relations.
Jews--Politics and government--1948-
DS126.5 / .L54
The other side of the coin; an American perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict [by] Alfred M. Lilienthal. - New York, Devin-Adair Co., 1965. - xii, 420 p. map (on lining papers) 21 cm.
"References": p. 353-409.
Jewish-Arab relations.
Jews--Politics and government--1948-
DS126.5 / .L54