
Egyptian encyclopedia of wild medicinal plants /

Egyptian encyclopedia of wild medicinal plants / Wild medicinal plants Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. - 10 voloum .: col.Illustrations ,maps; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Volume 1. ACACIA-ALTERNANTHERA-Volume 2. AMARANTHUS-ASPHODELUS-Volume 3. ASPLENIUM-BASSIA-Volume 4. BERGIA-CAPPARIS-Volume 5. CAPSELLA-CICHORIUM-Volume 6. Cistanche-Cyperus-Volume 7. Dactyloctenium-Gypsophila-Volume 8. Halocnemum-Papaver-Volume 9. Paronychia-Seriphidium-Volume 10. Silene-Zygophyllum.

Text in English; summaries in Arabic.

Medicinal plants--Egypt.
Plants, Medicinal--Egypt.
Plants, Useful--History.--Egypt

615.10962 / E32 2017-2020