
Systematic studies on subfamilies Gymnomyzinaeand Ephydrinae Ephydridae - Cyclorrhapha - Diptera from Egypt /

Ayman Mohyi_ElDin Ebrahim

Systematic studies on subfamilies Gymnomyzinaeand Ephydrinae Ephydridae - Cyclorrhapha - Diptera from Egypt / دراسات تصنيفية على فصيلة افيدرينى و جمنوميزينى (افيدريدى - سيكلوراهفا - رتبة ثنائية الاجنحة) فى مصر Ayman Mohyi_ElDin Ebrahim ; Supervised Aly Aly ElMoursy , Fathy Hamed Amin Negm , Magdi Shaaban Ali ElHawagry - Cairo : Ayman Mohyi_ElDin Ebrahim , 2005 - 292L : ill ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Entomology

Species of the family Ephydridae often are prominent members of aquatic and semi - aquatic environmentsThe family has been of great interest because of the extreme abundance of certain species in marginal habitats including highly saline and alkaline lakes and pools , and crude oil poolsThe fresh water species have elicited more attention in recent years , but most studies have been concerned primarily with elucidation life histories (Eastin and Foot , 1971 ; Deonier 1972 ; Busacca and Foot 1978 ; Deonier and Regensburg 1978)