
13-14 weeks fetal anatomy scan by two dimensional and three dimensional trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasound /

Ghada Abdelfattah Abdelmoety Mohammed

13-14 weeks fetal anatomy scan by two dimensional and three dimensional trans-abdominal and trans-vaginal ultrasound / استخدام الموجات فوق الصوتية ثنائية وثلاثية الابعاد عن طريق البطن والمهبل في المسح التشريحي للجنين خلال الاسبوعين الثالث عشر والرابع عشر من الحمل Ghada Abdelfattah Abdelmoety Mohammed ; Supervised Ismail Fuad Elessaily , Alaa Eldin Naguib Elebrashy , Ahmed Mahmoud Sayed - Cairo : Ghada Abdelfattah Abdelmoety Mohammed , 2009 - 131 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

The aim of the first trimester fetal anatomy scanning is to confirm the presence of a viable intrauterine pregnancy , to verify the expected delivery date by measuring the CRL , and to identify multiple gestations

2D ultrasound 3D ultrasound Fetal anatomy scanning