
Detection of blastocystis hominis in stools of patients attending Beni suief University hospital /

Doaa Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed

Detection of blastocystis hominis in stools of patients attending Beni suief University hospital / الكشف عن البلاستوسيستيس هومينيس فى براز المرضى المترددين على مستشفى بنى سويف الجامعى Doaa Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed ; Supervised Hoda Abdelmegid Elbolaky , Olfat Mohamed Elmatrawy , Hanaa Mohamed Ezzat Moussa - Cairo : Doaa Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed , 2009 - 103P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm.

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Parasitology

Is a unicellular organism found commonly in the intestinal tract of humans and many other animals very little is known about the basic biology of this organism the common morphological forms are vacuolar granular and amoeboidother additional forms were recently detected

Blastocystis hominis Diagnosis Intestinal parasites