
Transcription factors regulating calcineurin in down syndrome /

Emad Elsayed Ibrahim Alzohery

Transcription factors regulating calcineurin in down syndrome / عوامل النسج المنظمة للكالسينيورين فى متلازمة دوان Emad Elsayed Ibrahim Alzohery ; Supervised Iman Ahmed Ehsan , Hala Hamdy Shaaban , Soheir Saad Koraa - Cairo : Emad Elsayed Ibrahim Alzohery , 2009 - 77P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine- Department of Pediatrics

This study aimed to determine calcineurin activity oxidative and glycosylation damage in children with down syndorome and to correlate these results with the degree of abnormalities of down syndorome patients

Calcineurin Down syndrome Transcription