''Improvement of the physical properties of CdS graphene nanocomposites for water treatment applications /
Dalia Abdrabou Saad Abdrabou,
''Improvement of the physical properties of CdS graphene nanocomposites for water treatment applications / تحسين الخصائص الفيزيائيه للمركبات النانويه لكبريتات الكادميوم جرافين لتطبيقها فى معالجه المياه / by Dalia Abdrabou Saad Abdrabou ; Supervisors Prof. Dr.Th. M. El-Sherbini, Prof. Dr. Hossameldin Hamed Hassan, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein, Dr. Mohamed Khalaf Ahmed. - 152 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. + CD.
Thesis (Ph.D)-Cairo University, 2024.
Bibliography: pages 120-150.
Global demand for pollution removal agents requires advanced materials to provide a good protocol to keep clean water resources. In the 1st group of compounds, the composition of CdS was modified with ionic dopants including iron (Fe) and silver (Ag) and is incorporated into graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles. The obtained compositions are CdS, Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe-CdS@GO, and Ag-CdS@GO have been fabricated by the Co-precipitation method and examined by several techniques to estimate the morphological, optical and structural properties using TEM, SEM, UV-Vis analysis and XRD. The crystallite size of the CdS@GO was measured using the Williamson-Hall (W-H) method and was found to be around 28.6 nm. Further, the a-axis was found to be 5.78 Å and 5.80 Å for cubic crystal and the a-axis achieved 14.28 Å to 14.24 Å for an orthorhombic crystal of CdS, respectively. The average roughness varied from 32.30 to 66.65 nm for CdS and Ag-CdS@GO. The degradation of methylene blue (MB) is increased from 22.40, 39.64, 59.25, and 81.53 to 91.68 % for CdS, Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe-CdS@GO and Ag-CdS@GO after 60 minutes of exposure under visible light irradiation. The pseudo-first-order constant (Kapp) is increased from 4.410-3 to 39.4 10-3 min-1 for CdS and Ag-CdS@GO. In the 2nd group of compounds, the cadmium sulfide (CdS) composition was modified with gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) and combined with graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles. The obtained powdered compositions are pristine Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO. The crystallite size (Ds) of the Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO is 29.6, 11.6 and 11.5 nm, respectively. The degradation of methylene blue (MB) reaches the highest values of 42.85%, 60.37% and 82.35% for pure Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO after (60 min) under visible light irradiation with a dye concentration of (0.25 ppm). However, under UV irradiation, the efficiency of MB removal reaches 65.23%, 77.93% and 91.07% for the powdered compositions with a dye concentration of (0.25 ppm). Moreover, by increasing the MB concentration through the solution to 0.5 ppm, the removal ratio was lowered to 28.15%, 35.11% and 60.07% for the powdered compositions under visible irradiation. In addition, the CdS with/without Gd2O3 and GO were integrated into electrospun nanofibrous cellulose acetate (CA) through the electrospinning technique. Herein, the compounds of Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3/GO were encapsulated into cellulose acetate (CA) nanofibers for the degradation of MB under visible and UV irradiation. In this case, the degradation efficiency reaches 34.03%, 42.37% and 61.36% for Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA under visible light exposure (0.25 ppm). The apparent rate constant (kapp) achieves a value of 0.006, 0.007 and 0.0013 min−1 for MB degradation by Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA. Additionally, the removal efficiency reaches 41.02%, 54.71%, and 71.42% for Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA after 60 min under UV irradiation (0.25 ppm). On the other hand, the degradation efficiency is around 19.03%, 37.5% and 57.5% under visible light exposure. It seems that the degradation of methylene blue was enhanced via the compositional manipulation which represents a good strategy for highly effective wastewater treatment يتطلب ازاله المواد الملوثه لتوفير بروتوكول جيد للحفاظ على موارد المياه النظيفه. المجموعه االولى, يتم اضافه كبريتات الكادميوم )CdS (مع الحديد (Fe (و الفضه (Ag( ويتم دمجها فى جزيئات اكسيد الجرافين (GO (النانويه. المواد التى تم الحصول عليها-Ag تم حيثCdS, Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe-CdS@GO, CdS@GO تحضيرها بواسطه method precipitation-Co .تم فحصها ايضا بواسطه عده تقنيات لتقدير الخصائص المورفولوجيه والبصريه والخصائص الهيكليه باستخدام ,SEM, TEM باستخدام CdS@GO لل البللورى الحجم وقياس. UV-Vis analysis and XRD طريقه (H-W (Hall-Williamson ووجد أنه يبلغ حوالى 2..6 nm .عالوه على ذلك, 14.28 a المحور وحقق, المكعبه للبلوره 5.78 Å and 5.80 Å هو a المحور ان وجد 24.14 Å للبلوره المعينيه التقويميه. يزداد تحلل ازرق الميثيلين من ,64.39, 40.22 CdS Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe- ل 59.25, 81.53 and91.68 % GO@CdS-Ag and GO@CdS بعد 26 دقيقه من التعرض الشعه الضوء المرئى. 4.410 من k app االولى الدرجه ثابت زياده ويتم- 3 to 39.4 10-3 min-1 CdS ل GO@CdS-Ag and .فى المجموعه التانيه, تم تعديل كبريتات الكادميوم باستخدام (Gd2O3 (oxide gadolinium ودمجها مع جزيئات اكسيد الجرافين النانويه. والمواد الحجم. Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO عليها الحصول تم التى 29.6, 11.6 and يكون Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO ل البللورى 42.85%, 60.37% and القيم اعلى الى) MB)الميثيلين أزرق تحلل يصل. 11.5 nm دقيقه 26 بعد pure Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO ل 82.35% تحت اشعاع الضوء المرئي بتركيز 60.6 ppm .ومع ذلك, تحت االشعه فوق النفسجيه تصل كفاءه ازاله الميثيلين الى %07.91 and% 93.77%, 23.65 للمواد المسحوقه بتركيز ppm 25.0 . تم دمج كبريتات الكادميوم مع /بدون GO and Gd2O3 فى أسيتات السليلوز(CA (الليفيه النانويه من خالل تقنيه spinning-Electro .تم تغليف مركبات السليلوز أسيتات من نانويه الياف فى Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3/GO لتحلل ازرق الميثيلين تحت االشعاع المرئي واالشعه فوق البنفسجيه فى هذه الحاله, تصل Gd2O3@CA, ل 34.03%, 42.37% and 61.36% الى التحلل كفاءه بتركيز المرئي االشعاع تحت CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA
0.006, 0.007 and 0.0013 min قيم) k app) الثابت المعدل يحقق. 6.60 ppm −1 باالضافه. for Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA 41.02%, 54.71%, and 71.42% for الى االزاله كفاءه تصل, ذلك الى فوق االشعه تحت Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA البنفسجيه بتركيز ppm 25.0 . من ناحيه اخرى تبلغ كفاءه التحلل حوالى ,%03.19 %5.57 and% 5.37 تحت اشعاع الضوء المرئي. يبدو ان تحلل ازرق الميثلين (MB( ققد تم تعزيزه من خالل المعالجه التركيبيه التى تمثل استراتيجيه جيده لمعالجه المياه.
Text in English and abstract in Arabic & English.
Water Treatment
CdS Gd2O3 Nanofber Wastewater Methylene blue
''Improvement of the physical properties of CdS graphene nanocomposites for water treatment applications / تحسين الخصائص الفيزيائيه للمركبات النانويه لكبريتات الكادميوم جرافين لتطبيقها فى معالجه المياه / by Dalia Abdrabou Saad Abdrabou ; Supervisors Prof. Dr.Th. M. El-Sherbini, Prof. Dr. Hossameldin Hamed Hassan, Prof. Dr. Ali Hussein, Dr. Mohamed Khalaf Ahmed. - 152 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm. + CD.
Thesis (Ph.D)-Cairo University, 2024.
Bibliography: pages 120-150.
Global demand for pollution removal agents requires advanced materials to provide a good protocol to keep clean water resources. In the 1st group of compounds, the composition of CdS was modified with ionic dopants including iron (Fe) and silver (Ag) and is incorporated into graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles. The obtained compositions are CdS, Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe-CdS@GO, and Ag-CdS@GO have been fabricated by the Co-precipitation method and examined by several techniques to estimate the morphological, optical and structural properties using TEM, SEM, UV-Vis analysis and XRD. The crystallite size of the CdS@GO was measured using the Williamson-Hall (W-H) method and was found to be around 28.6 nm. Further, the a-axis was found to be 5.78 Å and 5.80 Å for cubic crystal and the a-axis achieved 14.28 Å to 14.24 Å for an orthorhombic crystal of CdS, respectively. The average roughness varied from 32.30 to 66.65 nm for CdS and Ag-CdS@GO. The degradation of methylene blue (MB) is increased from 22.40, 39.64, 59.25, and 81.53 to 91.68 % for CdS, Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe-CdS@GO and Ag-CdS@GO after 60 minutes of exposure under visible light irradiation. The pseudo-first-order constant (Kapp) is increased from 4.410-3 to 39.4 10-3 min-1 for CdS and Ag-CdS@GO. In the 2nd group of compounds, the cadmium sulfide (CdS) composition was modified with gadolinium oxide (Gd2O3) and combined with graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles. The obtained powdered compositions are pristine Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO. The crystallite size (Ds) of the Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO is 29.6, 11.6 and 11.5 nm, respectively. The degradation of methylene blue (MB) reaches the highest values of 42.85%, 60.37% and 82.35% for pure Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO after (60 min) under visible light irradiation with a dye concentration of (0.25 ppm). However, under UV irradiation, the efficiency of MB removal reaches 65.23%, 77.93% and 91.07% for the powdered compositions with a dye concentration of (0.25 ppm). Moreover, by increasing the MB concentration through the solution to 0.5 ppm, the removal ratio was lowered to 28.15%, 35.11% and 60.07% for the powdered compositions under visible irradiation. In addition, the CdS with/without Gd2O3 and GO were integrated into electrospun nanofibrous cellulose acetate (CA) through the electrospinning technique. Herein, the compounds of Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3/GO were encapsulated into cellulose acetate (CA) nanofibers for the degradation of MB under visible and UV irradiation. In this case, the degradation efficiency reaches 34.03%, 42.37% and 61.36% for Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA under visible light exposure (0.25 ppm). The apparent rate constant (kapp) achieves a value of 0.006, 0.007 and 0.0013 min−1 for MB degradation by Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA. Additionally, the removal efficiency reaches 41.02%, 54.71%, and 71.42% for Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA after 60 min under UV irradiation (0.25 ppm). On the other hand, the degradation efficiency is around 19.03%, 37.5% and 57.5% under visible light exposure. It seems that the degradation of methylene blue was enhanced via the compositional manipulation which represents a good strategy for highly effective wastewater treatment يتطلب ازاله المواد الملوثه لتوفير بروتوكول جيد للحفاظ على موارد المياه النظيفه. المجموعه االولى, يتم اضافه كبريتات الكادميوم )CdS (مع الحديد (Fe (و الفضه (Ag( ويتم دمجها فى جزيئات اكسيد الجرافين (GO (النانويه. المواد التى تم الحصول عليها-Ag تم حيثCdS, Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe-CdS@GO, CdS@GO تحضيرها بواسطه method precipitation-Co .تم فحصها ايضا بواسطه عده تقنيات لتقدير الخصائص المورفولوجيه والبصريه والخصائص الهيكليه باستخدام ,SEM, TEM باستخدام CdS@GO لل البللورى الحجم وقياس. UV-Vis analysis and XRD طريقه (H-W (Hall-Williamson ووجد أنه يبلغ حوالى 2..6 nm .عالوه على ذلك, 14.28 a المحور وحقق, المكعبه للبلوره 5.78 Å and 5.80 Å هو a المحور ان وجد 24.14 Å للبلوره المعينيه التقويميه. يزداد تحلل ازرق الميثيلين من ,64.39, 40.22 CdS Fe-CdS, Ag-CdS, CdS@GO, Fe- ل 59.25, 81.53 and91.68 % GO@CdS-Ag and GO@CdS بعد 26 دقيقه من التعرض الشعه الضوء المرئى. 4.410 من k app االولى الدرجه ثابت زياده ويتم- 3 to 39.4 10-3 min-1 CdS ل GO@CdS-Ag and .فى المجموعه التانيه, تم تعديل كبريتات الكادميوم باستخدام (Gd2O3 (oxide gadolinium ودمجها مع جزيئات اكسيد الجرافين النانويه. والمواد الحجم. Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO عليها الحصول تم التى 29.6, 11.6 and يكون Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO ل البللورى 42.85%, 60.37% and القيم اعلى الى) MB)الميثيلين أزرق تحلل يصل. 11.5 nm دقيقه 26 بعد pure Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3@GO ل 82.35% تحت اشعاع الضوء المرئي بتركيز 60.6 ppm .ومع ذلك, تحت االشعه فوق النفسجيه تصل كفاءه ازاله الميثيلين الى %07.91 and% 93.77%, 23.65 للمواد المسحوقه بتركيز ppm 25.0 . تم دمج كبريتات الكادميوم مع /بدون GO and Gd2O3 فى أسيتات السليلوز(CA (الليفيه النانويه من خالل تقنيه spinning-Electro .تم تغليف مركبات السليلوز أسيتات من نانويه الياف فى Gd2O3, CdS/Gd2O3 and CdS/Gd2O3/GO لتحلل ازرق الميثيلين تحت االشعاع المرئي واالشعه فوق البنفسجيه فى هذه الحاله, تصل Gd2O3@CA, ل 34.03%, 42.37% and 61.36% الى التحلل كفاءه بتركيز المرئي االشعاع تحت CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA
0.006, 0.007 and 0.0013 min قيم) k app) الثابت المعدل يحقق. 6.60 ppm −1 باالضافه. for Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA and CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA 41.02%, 54.71%, and 71.42% for الى االزاله كفاءه تصل, ذلك الى فوق االشعه تحت Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3@CA, CdS/Gd2O3/GO@CA البنفسجيه بتركيز ppm 25.0 . من ناحيه اخرى تبلغ كفاءه التحلل حوالى ,%03.19 %5.57 and% 5.37 تحت اشعاع الضوء المرئي. يبدو ان تحلل ازرق الميثلين (MB( ققد تم تعزيزه من خالل المعالجه التركيبيه التى تمثل استراتيجيه جيده لمعالجه المياه.
Text in English and abstract in Arabic & English.
Water Treatment
CdS Gd2O3 Nanofber Wastewater Methylene blue