Value of endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration versus conventional transbronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of hilar shadows /
Amgad Beshry Sidhom
Value of endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration versus conventional transbronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of hilar shadows / قيمة البذل من خلال الشعب الهوائية الموجه بالموجات فوق الصوتية من خلال الشعب الهوائية فى تشخيص أمراض سرة الرئة Amgad Beshry Sidhom ; Supervised Esmat Ali Abdelnabi , Soliman Saba Soliman , Khaled Mahmoud Kamel - Cairo : Amgad Beshry Sidhom , 2008 - 151P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis(M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Chest diseases and Tuberculosis
conventional radiographic tools such as chest C. T. scan and chest tomography frequently not that informative in the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph node lesions conventional TBNA and EBUS guided TBNA are two techniques that are developed to solve this problem
Hilar lymph nodes Patient Transbronchial needle aspiration
Value of endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration versus conventional transbronchial needle aspiration in the diagnosis of hilar shadows / قيمة البذل من خلال الشعب الهوائية الموجه بالموجات فوق الصوتية من خلال الشعب الهوائية فى تشخيص أمراض سرة الرئة Amgad Beshry Sidhom ; Supervised Esmat Ali Abdelnabi , Soliman Saba Soliman , Khaled Mahmoud Kamel - Cairo : Amgad Beshry Sidhom , 2008 - 151P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis(M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Chest diseases and Tuberculosis
conventional radiographic tools such as chest C. T. scan and chest tomography frequently not that informative in the diagnosis of mediastinal and hilar lymph node lesions conventional TBNA and EBUS guided TBNA are two techniques that are developed to solve this problem
Hilar lymph nodes Patient Transbronchial needle aspiration