
Physiology and production of inulinase and glucoamylase enzymes of rhizopus oligosporus /

Soheir Abd El megeed Mahmoud Hashem

Physiology and production of inulinase and glucoamylase enzymes of rhizopus oligosporus / فسيولوجيا تكوين انزيمات الانيولينيز والجلوكواميليز فى فطرة ريزوبس واوليجو سبورس Soheir Abd El megeed Mahmoud Hashem ; Supervised Magdy Aly Amin , Mohamed Salah Foda - Cairo : Soheir Abd El megeed Mahmoud Hashem , 2005 - 93p : charts , photographs ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Pharmacy - Department Of Microbiology and Immunology

The genus Rhizopus comprises three groups namely Rstolonifer , Roryzae and R microsporus , The group of R microsporus includes R homothallicus and R microsporus The latter species is further subdivided into four varieties (microsporus , rhizopodiformis , oligosporus and chinensis)

Glucoamylase enzyme Inulinase enzyme Rhizopus oligosporus