
Hydraulic performance for stilling basin designs for the new barrages along the nile river /

Samir Taher Ahmad Mohamed

Hydraulic performance for stilling basin designs for the new barrages along the nile river / الأداء الهيدروليكي لتصميم احواض التهدئة للقناطر الجديدة المقامة علي نهر النيل Samir Taher Ahmad Mohamed ; Supervised Ahmad Wagdy Abdeldayem , Abdelazim Mohamed Ali - Cairo : Samir Taher Ahmad Mohamed , 2008 - 163P. : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis(M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering

In newly introduced designs were observed during the physical model tests that a significant scour occurred immediately downstream the stilling basin that exceeded the expected values e.g. the New Esna and Naga Hammedi Barrages

Energy dissipation Stilling basin Submerged hydraulic jump