
Risk factors for neurological congenital anomalies among children attending genetic unit (National Research Center) /

Nagah Abd El Aziz Hassan

Risk factors for neurological congenital anomalies among children attending genetic unit (National Research Center) / عوامل الخطورة فى التشوهات الخلقية العصبية فى الاطفال المترددين على وحدة الوراثة المركز القومى للبحوث Nagah Abd El Aziz Hassan ; Supervised Enayat ElSaid ElSherbiny , Mona Soliman Mohamed , Nagwa Abd El Meguid Mohamed - Cairo : Nagah Abd El Aziz Hassan , 2005 - 295P : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Community Medicine

This study is aiming at prevention of occurrence and recurrence of congenital neurological anomalies It was revealed that inherited metabolic disorders , congenital infections

Congenital anomalies Consanguinity Genetic environment Risk factors