Impact of poverty on fertility behavior and intention for married women in Egypt /
Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali
Impact of poverty on fertility behavior and intention for married women in Egypt / اثر الفقر على السلوك الانجابى والنوايا الانجابية للسيدات المتزوجات فى مصر Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali ; Supervised Hussein Abdelaziz Sayed , Heba Ellaithy - Cairo : Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali , 2009 - 136 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis ( - Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Department of Statistics
It is well known that poverty and high fertility rates are strongly associated; this relationship has been debated among demographers and economists for along time. In fact this relationship goes in the two directions; poor households tend to have more children and larger households tend to be poorer
Fertility behavior Fertility intention Poverty
Impact of poverty on fertility behavior and intention for married women in Egypt / اثر الفقر على السلوك الانجابى والنوايا الانجابية للسيدات المتزوجات فى مصر Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali ; Supervised Hussein Abdelaziz Sayed , Heba Ellaithy - Cairo : Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali , 2009 - 136 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis ( - Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Department of Statistics
It is well known that poverty and high fertility rates are strongly associated; this relationship has been debated among demographers and economists for along time. In fact this relationship goes in the two directions; poor households tend to have more children and larger households tend to be poorer
Fertility behavior Fertility intention Poverty