
Impact of poverty on fertility behavior and intention for married women in Egypt /

Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali

Impact of poverty on fertility behavior and intention for married women in Egypt / اثر الفقر على السلوك الانجابى والنوايا الانجابية للسيدات المتزوجات فى مصر Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali ; Supervised Hussein Abdelaziz Sayed , Heba Ellaithy - Cairo : Ahmed Soliman Mohammed Ali , 2009 - 136 P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Department of Statistics

It is well known that poverty and high fertility rates are strongly associated; this relationship has been debated among demographers and economists for along time. In fact this relationship goes in the two directions; poor households tend to have more children and larger households tend to be poorer

Fertility behavior Fertility intention Poverty