
Uses of progesterone and tryptophan in heterocyclic synthesis for obtaining new potential agonist or antagonistic derivatives t /

Hanaa Youshe Rezkallah

Uses of progesterone and tryptophan in heterocyclic synthesis for obtaining new potential agonist or antagonistic derivatives t / استخدامات البرجستيرون والتربتوفان فى تحضير مركبات كمشتقات حلقية غير متجانسة للحصول على مشتقات هرمونية جديدة كمثبطات او محفزات لها Hanaa Youshe Rezkallah ; Supervised Senot H.Doss , Rafat M.Mohareb - Cairo : Hanaa Youshe Rezkallah , 2005 - 133P : charts ; 30cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Science - Department Of Organic Chemistry

This work had been carried out to investigate the reaction of progesterone towards a variety of chemical reagents to give the corresponding steroidal heterocyclic derivatives , eg pyrimidine , pyridine , thiazole and thiophene derivatives of potential biological activities , the work also has been carried out to investigate the reactivity of tryptophan towards various chemical reagent to produce some new derivatives and macrocyclic compounds

Progesterone Steroids Tryptohan