
Different realizations of composite right / left-handed transmission lines and its : Application as a leaky wave antenna /

Aya Fekry Abdelmoktader Abdelaziz

Different realizations of composite right / left-handed transmission lines and its : Application as a leaky wave antenna / تصميمات مختلفة لخطوط النقل التى تتبع قاعدة اليد اليمنى واليسرى : مع تطبيق لها كهوائيات للتسريب الموجى Aya Fekry Abdelmoktader Abdelaziz ; Supervised Osman Lotfy Elsayed , Tamer Mostafa Abuelfadi - Cairo : Aya Fekry Abdelmoktader Abdelaziz , 2009 - 88 P. : plans ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Electronics and Communication

In this dissertation we develop a method to construct composite righ / left-handed transmission line using coupled lines. The CRLH unit cell was achieved by applying the procedure on specific three coupled lines configurations. The first realization was done using broadside coupled coplanar waveguide

Broadside coupled coplanar waveguide Coupled lines-microstrip Slotted ground