
The role of vertebropasty in the management of malignant osteolytic vertebral lesions /

Fady Nabil Khattar

The role of vertebropasty in the management of malignant osteolytic vertebral lesions / دور حقن الاسمنت الطبى تحت ارشاد الاشعة فى علاج اورام العمود الفقرى Fady Nabil Khattar ; Supervised Hazem Mohamed Moharam , Mohen Samy Barsoum , Iman Mohamed Zaki - Cairo : Fady Nabil Khattar , 2006 - 174P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

A variety of causes are associated with osteolytic vertral lesions including metastases of lung breast and prostate cancer multiple myeloma lymphoma as well as vertral hemangioma and other less common causes. These osteolytic lesions cause intense pain and end in vertebral body collapse with possible neurological deficit

Myeloma Vertebroplasty Vertral Metastases