
Assessment of hepatic arterial buffer response by transcutaneous duplex Doppler sonography in large hepatoceuular carcinoma /

Ebtihal Ramadan Mohamed

Assessment of hepatic arterial buffer response by transcutaneous duplex Doppler sonography in large hepatoceuular carcinoma / دراسة زيادة تدفق سريان الدم فى الشريان البابى الكبدى فى الاورام الكبدية السرطانية باستخدام جهاز الدوبلر Ebtihal Ramadan Mohamed ; supervised Rawia Ahmed Khater , Mohamed Sherif Megawer , Mostafa Mahmoud Gad - Cairo : Ebtihal Ramadan Mohamed , 2006 - 224P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Internal Medicine

Assessment of liver blood flow through transcutaneous duplex Doppler sonography could be a very important method for detection of clinically relevant changes in hepatic perfusion specially in liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinomaOccurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma , hypervascular tumor further increases the hepatic arterial blood flow with increase in hepatic perfusion index which is calculated as the ratio of hepatic arterial blood flow to total hepatic blood flowThis index could be regarded a reflection of progression in chronic hepatic diseasesOur study was conducted on 30 patients with liver cirrhosis , 30 with hepatocellular carcinoma and 30 controlsAll patients subjected to through examination , routine laboratory tests , abdominal ultrasound and transcutaneous duplex Doppler sonographyWe found that the patients with liver cirrhosis had significant increase of hepatic blood flow and so Doppler perfusion index as compared to controlsHepatic blood flow was increased in hepatocellular carcinoma patients and so Doppler perfusion index as compared to liver cirrhosis patients and controlsThese results suggest that hepatic arterial buffer response seems to be active in hepatocellular carcinoma to maintain liver perfusion

Doppler perfusion index Hepatic buffer response Hepatocellular carcinoma