Comparison between inoue balloon technique and percutaneous metal valvulotome in dilatation of mitral stenosis of different echocardiographic scores /
Hussien Heshmat Kasem
Comparison between inoue balloon technique and percutaneous metal valvulotome in dilatation of mitral stenosis of different echocardiographic scores / مقارنة بين البالونة انوى وجهاز الفاتح المعدنى للصمام فى توسيع ضيق الصمام الميترالى فى مختلف انواع درجاته حسب رصيد الصدى الصوتى للقلب Hussien Heshmat Kasem ; Supervised Adel M.Zaki , Mohamed Elguindi , Sameh Bakhoum - Cairo : Hussien Heshmat Kasem , 2000 - 148 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology
Inoue balloon Metal valvulotome Mitral stenosis
Comparison between inoue balloon technique and percutaneous metal valvulotome in dilatation of mitral stenosis of different echocardiographic scores / مقارنة بين البالونة انوى وجهاز الفاتح المعدنى للصمام فى توسيع ضيق الصمام الميترالى فى مختلف انواع درجاته حسب رصيد الصدى الصوتى للقلب Hussien Heshmat Kasem ; Supervised Adel M.Zaki , Mohamed Elguindi , Sameh Bakhoum - Cairo : Hussien Heshmat Kasem , 2000 - 148 P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Cardiology
Inoue balloon Metal valvulotome Mitral stenosis