
Integrated water balance and acid - base balance of goats under hot conditions /

Fatma Abouhashim Abdelmouhsen

Integrated water balance and acid - base balance of goats under hot conditions / تكامل التوازن المائى و الحامضى - القاعدى فى الماعز تحت الظروف الحارة Fatma Abouhashim Abdelmouhsen ; Supervised Gamal Ashour Hassan Abdellatif , Mohamed Mahmoud Elshafie , Faten Fahmy Abouammou - Cairo : Fatma Abouhashim Abdelmouhsen , 2009 - 181P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Animal Production

The current work was executed in the farm and labs of animal physiology Anim . Prod. Dep., Fac. Agric., Cairo Univ., to study the effect of high ambient temperatures (AT) on physiological performance of goats bucks and the integration between water - salt and acid - base balance under the diurnal fluctuations of AT during summer season and during the sudden exposure or continuous exposur to fixed AT

Blood constituents Goats Heat stress