
Role of diffrent imaging modalities in assessment of renal trauma /

Momen Gamal Ahmed

Role of diffrent imaging modalities in assessment of renal trauma / دور الطرق التصويرية المختلفة فى تقييم حالات اصابات الكلى Momen Gamal Ahmed ; Supervised Sameh Abdelaziz Zaki Hanna , Mohamed Abdellatif Shahin - Cairo : Momen Gamal Ahmed , 2009 - 145 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

Blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma can cause significant injury to the kidneys and radiologic imaging plays a critical role both in diagnosing these injuries and in determining the management . In this article we describe and illustrate the sprectrum of injuries that can occur in the kidneys in order to facilitate accurate and rapid recognition of the significant injuries

Blunt trauma Genitourinary Renal trauma