Anaemia in systemic lupus erythematosus : Atiological profile and role of erythropoietin /
Samar Mohamed Fawzy Ahmed
Anaemia in systemic lupus erythematosus : Atiological profile and role of erythropoietin / فقر الدم فى مرضى الذئبة الحمراء : الجانب المسبب ودور الايريثروبيوتين Samar Mohamed Fawzy Ahmed ; Supervised Fawkia Mohamed Morsi , Olfat Gamil Shaker , Hanan ElSayed ElSherif - Cairo : Samar Mohamed Fawzy Ahmed , 2004 - 189P : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a 30400 dalton glycoprotein that regulates red cell production in the human , EPO is produced by peritubular cells in the kidneys of the adult and in hepatocytes in fetus
Anaemia of chronic disease Erythropoietin Iron deficiency anaemia
Anaemia in systemic lupus erythematosus : Atiological profile and role of erythropoietin / فقر الدم فى مرضى الذئبة الحمراء : الجانب المسبب ودور الايريثروبيوتين Samar Mohamed Fawzy Ahmed ; Supervised Fawkia Mohamed Morsi , Olfat Gamil Shaker , Hanan ElSayed ElSherif - Cairo : Samar Mohamed Fawzy Ahmed , 2004 - 189P : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Medicine - Department Of Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a 30400 dalton glycoprotein that regulates red cell production in the human , EPO is produced by peritubular cells in the kidneys of the adult and in hepatocytes in fetus
Anaemia of chronic disease Erythropoietin Iron deficiency anaemia