
Role of cytopathology in the primary diagnosis and typing of some soft tissue sarcomas : A cytomorphological , immunological and molecular study /

Nevine Samir Ibrahim Tahoun

Role of cytopathology in the primary diagnosis and typing of some soft tissue sarcomas : A cytomorphological , immunological and molecular study / دور فحص الانسجة الخلوى فى التشخيص والتصنيف المبدئى لحالات سرطانات الانسجة الرخوة : دراسة خلوية : مناعية : جزيئية Nevine Samir Ibrahim Tahoun ; Supervised Bahiga Ahmed ElMorsi , Ahmed Morsi Mostafa , Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy - Cairo : Nevine Samir Ibrahim Tahoun , 2005 - 165P : ill ; 25cm

Thesis (PH.D.) - Cairo University - National Cancer Institute - Department Of Oncology

Soft tissue tumors although clinically often non - distinctive form a varied , complex and heterogenous group that may show a wide range of differentiation

Cytopathology Primary diagnosis Soft tissue sarcomas