
Study of deep wells dewatering system enclosed by partially penetrating cutoff walls in unconfind aquifer /

Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdelhaleem

Study of deep wells dewatering system enclosed by partially penetrating cutoff walls in unconfind aquifer / دراسة نظام النزح الجوفى باستخدام الابار العميقه المحاطة بحوائط قاطعة للمياه مخترقه جزئيا لخزان جوفى غير محصور Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdelhaleem ; Supervised Hussein H.Elmamlouk , Mohamed A. Elkhouly - Cairo : Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Abdelhaleem , 2006 - 124 P. : diagrs ; 30cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty Of Engineering - Department Of Civil Engineering

Deep wells dewatering systems are usually used in case of deep excavation under groundwater table levelVertical cutoff walls may be used to increase the efficiency of the dewatering system , to reduce the negative effect of the dewatering process on adjacent structures , and / or to serve as a side support systemHowever , the dewatering system composed of deep wells and partially penetrating cutoff walls , and penetrate unconfined aquifer is considered a complex system , which cannot be designed using equilibrium formulas

Deep wells system Dewatering systems Groundwater Partially penetrating cutoff