
Detection techniques of banana viruses and production of virus free plantlets /

Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan

Detection techniques of banana viruses and production of virus free plantlets / تقنيات الكشف عن فيروسات الموز و إنتاج نباتات خالية من الفيروس Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan ; Supervised Omhashem Mohamed Elbanna , Abdelrahman Morsy Ghallab , Abdelmohsen Affey Abouzeid - Cairo : Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan , 2009 - 120 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Plant pathology and Physiology

Banana bunchy top virus 9BBTV0 was detected in naturally infected banana and PCR-based methods. Two specific primers, bbtv3c703 and bbtv2v775 were used for amplification of a fragment (-973 bp) of the component DNA-3 which is putative of the coat protein gene (CP) of BBTV after DNA extraction

Banana Banana bunchy top virus ELISA