Detection techniques of banana viruses and production of virus free plantlets /
Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan
Detection techniques of banana viruses and production of virus free plantlets / تقنيات الكشف عن فيروسات الموز و إنتاج نباتات خالية من الفيروس Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan ; Supervised Omhashem Mohamed Elbanna , Abdelrahman Morsy Ghallab , Abdelmohsen Affey Abouzeid - Cairo : Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan , 2009 - 120 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Plant pathology and Physiology
Banana bunchy top virus 9BBTV0 was detected in naturally infected banana and PCR-based methods. Two specific primers, bbtv3c703 and bbtv2v775 were used for amplification of a fragment (-973 bp) of the component DNA-3 which is putative of the coat protein gene (CP) of BBTV after DNA extraction
Banana Banana bunchy top virus ELISA
Detection techniques of banana viruses and production of virus free plantlets / تقنيات الكشف عن فيروسات الموز و إنتاج نباتات خالية من الفيروس Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan ; Supervised Omhashem Mohamed Elbanna , Abdelrahman Morsy Ghallab , Abdelmohsen Affey Abouzeid - Cairo : Hanan Ahmed Kamal Ramadan , 2009 - 120 P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Plant pathology and Physiology
Banana bunchy top virus 9BBTV0 was detected in naturally infected banana and PCR-based methods. Two specific primers, bbtv3c703 and bbtv2v775 were used for amplification of a fragment (-973 bp) of the component DNA-3 which is putative of the coat protein gene (CP) of BBTV after DNA extraction
Banana Banana bunchy top virus ELISA