Study on diagnostic value serum amyloid a protein (SAA) during late - onset sepsis in preterm and full term neonates /
Amal Mohammed Mohy Eldeen
Study on diagnostic value serum amyloid a protein (SAA) during late - onset sepsis in preterm and full term neonates / دراسة على القيمة التشخيصية للبروتين أميلويد أ فى الأطفال حديثى الولادة المصابين بتسمم الدم البكتيرى المتأخر Amal Mohammed Mohy Eldeen ; Supervised Lamiaa Mohammed Mohsen , Abbass Abdelfattah Mourad , Imaan Fathy Iskander - Cairo : Amal Mohammed Mohy Eldeen , 2010 - 158P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Late - onset sepsis (LOS) is a major problem in the NICU associated with high morbidity and mortality . The study aimed to asses the dignostic value of serum amyloid A protein ( SAA ) during late - onset sepsis in preterm and full term neonates . In this study the level of SAA was measured in the serum of neonates with LOS presented after the 7th day to the NICU ( cases) and was compared with the level of SAA in healthy neonates (controls) and compared with other tests usually used to diagnose sepsis in NICUs (TLC, CRP, I : T ratio and platetets count)
Neonatal sepsis NICU SAA
Study on diagnostic value serum amyloid a protein (SAA) during late - onset sepsis in preterm and full term neonates / دراسة على القيمة التشخيصية للبروتين أميلويد أ فى الأطفال حديثى الولادة المصابين بتسمم الدم البكتيرى المتأخر Amal Mohammed Mohy Eldeen ; Supervised Lamiaa Mohammed Mohsen , Abbass Abdelfattah Mourad , Imaan Fathy Iskander - Cairo : Amal Mohammed Mohy Eldeen , 2010 - 158P. : charts ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Pediatrics
Late - onset sepsis (LOS) is a major problem in the NICU associated with high morbidity and mortality . The study aimed to asses the dignostic value of serum amyloid A protein ( SAA ) during late - onset sepsis in preterm and full term neonates . In this study the level of SAA was measured in the serum of neonates with LOS presented after the 7th day to the NICU ( cases) and was compared with the level of SAA in healthy neonates (controls) and compared with other tests usually used to diagnose sepsis in NICUs (TLC, CRP, I : T ratio and platetets count)
Neonatal sepsis NICU SAA