Broad spectrum antibiotics for pretermlabor and premature rupture of membranes /
Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh
Broad spectrum antibiotics for pretermlabor and premature rupture of membranes / تأثير المضادات الحيوية واسعة المجال على الولاده المبكرة والانفجار المبكر للاغشية الجنينية Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh ; Supervised Mostafa Shokri , Maha Mohamed Mosaad , Hatem Elhetw - Cairo : Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh , 2009 - 93P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Preterm labor is a common obstetric problem . It is any birth that occurs before 37 menstrual weeks' gestation regardless of the birth weight . It is clear that preterm birth and LBW are not equivalent terms . Prematurity represents a major cause of perinatal death and long term handicap . Although the incidence of preterm labor has not changed over many years neonatology has advanced and the survival of babies has improved
Broadspectrum Premature rupture of membranes Preterm labor
Broad spectrum antibiotics for pretermlabor and premature rupture of membranes / تأثير المضادات الحيوية واسعة المجال على الولاده المبكرة والانفجار المبكر للاغشية الجنينية Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh ; Supervised Mostafa Shokri , Maha Mohamed Mosaad , Hatem Elhetw - Cairo : Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh , 2009 - 93P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
Preterm labor is a common obstetric problem . It is any birth that occurs before 37 menstrual weeks' gestation regardless of the birth weight . It is clear that preterm birth and LBW are not equivalent terms . Prematurity represents a major cause of perinatal death and long term handicap . Although the incidence of preterm labor has not changed over many years neonatology has advanced and the survival of babies has improved
Broadspectrum Premature rupture of membranes Preterm labor