
Broad spectrum antibiotics for pretermlabor and premature rupture of membranes /

Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh

Broad spectrum antibiotics for pretermlabor and premature rupture of membranes / تأثير المضادات الحيوية واسعة المجال على الولاده المبكرة والانفجار المبكر للاغشية الجنينية Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh ; Supervised Mostafa Shokri , Maha Mohamed Mosaad , Hatem Elhetw - Cairo : Moataz Gamal Taha Abushahbh , 2009 - 93P. ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics

Preterm labor is a common obstetric problem . It is any birth that occurs before 37 menstrual weeks' gestation regardless of the birth weight . It is clear that preterm birth and LBW are not equivalent terms . Prematurity represents a major cause of perinatal death and long term handicap . Although the incidence of preterm labor has not changed over many years neonatology has advanced and the survival of babies has improved

Broadspectrum Premature rupture of membranes Preterm labor