
The use of short femoral stem in total hip replacement /

Bahaa Eldine Said

The use of short femoral stem in total hip replacement / استخدام مفصل قصير الجذع فى عمليات تغيير مفصل الفخذ الكلى Bahaa Eldine Said ; Supervised Ahmed Morrah , Sherif Khaled - Cairo : Bahaa Eldine Said , 2010 - 80 P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Orthopedic Surgery

Total hip replacement is lonsidered one of the most successful operations in orthopedic surgery . Short remonal stems tend to solve problems occurring with traditional stemslike stress shieding and bone resorption. Short femoral stems gives better resutts in young age with physciological loading and minimal bone loss and minimal soft time loss

Physciological loading Short femoral stem Total hip replacement