
Role of multi - detector C. T in the evaluation of patients with hematuria /

Sherif Fathy Abdelrahman Abdelgawwad

Role of multi - detector C. T in the evaluation of patients with hematuria / دور الأشعة المقطعية متعددة المقاطع فى تقييم مرضى النزيف البولى Sherif Fathy Abdelrahman Abdelgawwad ; Supervised Sameh Abdelaziz Hanna , Mohamed Yousef Elgammal , Nadine Rashad Barsoum - Cairo : Sherif Fathy Abdelrahman Abdelgawwad , 2010 - 162P. : facsimiles ; 25cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Radio-diagnosis

With the advent of MDCT it is possible to do comprehensive examination for hematuria patients . The imaging plan is to be decided either to perform tim slice non - enhanced cuts in suspected stone disease or multiphasic series for suspected renal or urothelial lesions or to perform CT urethrography in suspected urethral lesions depending on the clinical data and previous examinations that the patient had

C. T Patients with hematuria Role of multi - detector