Fiberoptic intubation in the pediatric difficult airway: A comparison between general anesthesia and the non- asleep techique /
Engy Wagdy Megalley Samuel
Fiberoptic intubation in the pediatric difficult airway: A comparison between general anesthesia and the non- asleep techique / تركيب انبوبة حنجرية بواسطة منظار الالياف الضوئية فى الممر الهوائى الصعب للاطفال : مقارنة بين المخدر العام وطريقة عدم النوم Engy Wagdy Megalley Samuel : Supervised Foudan Fahim Shaltout , Maha Gamil Hanna , Manal Mohammed Elgohary - Cairo : Engy Wagdy Megalley Samuel , 2010 - 125p.: charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
We performed the current study to compare general anesthesia (GA) and the non- asleep (NA) technique for fiberoptic tracheal intubation (TI) in pediatric patients with anticipated difficult airway . Patients in GA group (n=20) were intubated using the fiberoptic broncoscope after induction of general anesthesia using inhalation of sevoflurane 3-5% . Patients in the NA group (n=20)had sedation using ketamine and midazolam with the maximum of (2 and 0.01 mg/kg)respectively and airway topicalization using lidocaine 2 % via the spray as you go technique
Fiberoptic Non - asleep technique Pediatric difficult airway
Fiberoptic intubation in the pediatric difficult airway: A comparison between general anesthesia and the non- asleep techique / تركيب انبوبة حنجرية بواسطة منظار الالياف الضوئية فى الممر الهوائى الصعب للاطفال : مقارنة بين المخدر العام وطريقة عدم النوم Engy Wagdy Megalley Samuel : Supervised Foudan Fahim Shaltout , Maha Gamil Hanna , Manal Mohammed Elgohary - Cairo : Engy Wagdy Megalley Samuel , 2010 - 125p.: charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Anaesthesia
We performed the current study to compare general anesthesia (GA) and the non- asleep (NA) technique for fiberoptic tracheal intubation (TI) in pediatric patients with anticipated difficult airway . Patients in GA group (n=20) were intubated using the fiberoptic broncoscope after induction of general anesthesia using inhalation of sevoflurane 3-5% . Patients in the NA group (n=20)had sedation using ketamine and midazolam with the maximum of (2 and 0.01 mg/kg)respectively and airway topicalization using lidocaine 2 % via the spray as you go technique
Fiberoptic Non - asleep technique Pediatric difficult airway