
Stability of forelands by deposition and density development of cohesive sediment under waves /

Sherif Elsayed Abdelella Abdelmawla

Stability of forelands by deposition and density development of cohesive sediment under waves / اتزان ألسنه الشواطئ بترسب وتطور كثافه الرواسب الطينيه تحت تأثير الامواج Sherif Elsayed Abdelella Abdelmawla ; Supervised Mohamed I. Balah , Claus Zimmermann, Gamal S. Abaid - Cairo : Sherif Elsayed Abdelella Abdelmawla , 1998 - in various pagings : charts , facsimiles ; 30cm

Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Engineering - Department of Civil Engineering