
Prevalence of adrenocortcal insufficiency in patients with liver cirrhosis liver cirrhosis and septic shock and in patients with hepatorenal syndrome /

Mohammed Badr Mohammed

Prevalence of adrenocortcal insufficiency in patients with liver cirrhosis liver cirrhosis and septic shock and in patients with hepatorenal syndrome / دراسة مدى انتشار قصور الغده الفوق الكلوية فى مرضى التليف الكبدى ومرضى التليف الكبدى المصاحب بالصدمه التسمميه ومرضى متلازمة الفشل الكلوى الكبدى Mohammed Badr Mohammed ; Supervised Gamal Hamed , Ayman Heikl , Hisham Darwish - Cairo : Mohammed Badr Mohammed , 2010 - 130P. : charts ; 25cm

Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Critical care Medicine

Numerous papers have reported a high incidence of adrenal failure in critically ill patients including those with end stage liver disease . The term hepatoadrenal syndrome has been used to describe such an association between liver disease and adrenal failure and the definition of this term extends beyond the occurrence of sepsis which is a frequent complication of liver failure

Child classification Hepatoadrenal syndrome Liver cirrhosis