Biological control of damping-off, root rot and wilt diseases of some solanaceous plants /
Noura Hassan Mohamed
Biological control of damping-off, root rot and wilt diseases of some solanaceous plants / المقاومة الحيوية لأمراض سقوط البادرات و عفن الجذور و الذبول فى بعض نباتات الفصيلة الباذنجانية Noura Hassan Mohamed ; Supervised Mohamed Farouk Attia , Moustafa Sayed Mansour - Cairo : Noura Hassan Mohamed , 2010 - 77 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Plant Pathology
A large number of diseases have been reported to attack pepper plants in Egypt, of these, damping - off caused by Sclerotium rolfsil is the most common. Four fungi, i.e. Fusarium solani ,F. oxysporum, Sclerotium rolfsii and Rhizoctonia solani were isolated from rotted - roots of pepper plants. The highest percentages of pre- and post-emergence damping -off were recorded on pepper and tomato plants sown in soil infested with S. rolfsii, R. solani, and F. solani
Pathogenicity test Peppr Soil-borne
Biological control of damping-off, root rot and wilt diseases of some solanaceous plants / المقاومة الحيوية لأمراض سقوط البادرات و عفن الجذور و الذبول فى بعض نباتات الفصيلة الباذنجانية Noura Hassan Mohamed ; Supervised Mohamed Farouk Attia , Moustafa Sayed Mansour - Cairo : Noura Hassan Mohamed , 2010 - 77 P. ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Agriculture - Department of Plant Pathology
A large number of diseases have been reported to attack pepper plants in Egypt, of these, damping - off caused by Sclerotium rolfsil is the most common. Four fungi, i.e. Fusarium solani ,F. oxysporum, Sclerotium rolfsii and Rhizoctonia solani were isolated from rotted - roots of pepper plants. The highest percentages of pre- and post-emergence damping -off were recorded on pepper and tomato plants sown in soil infested with S. rolfsii, R. solani, and F. solani
Pathogenicity test Peppr Soil-borne