A randomized trial of combined letrozole with metformin versus clomiphene citrate with metformin in clomiphene citrate resistant PCOS patients /
Rimah Shaker Alkhonizi
A randomized trial of combined letrozole with metformin versus clomiphene citrate with metformin in clomiphene citrate resistant PCOS patients / تجربة عشوائية على ليترازول مع الميتفورمين مقارنة بالكلوموفين سترات مع الميتفورمين فى حالات تكيس المبيض المستعصى للكلوموفين سترات Rimah Shaker Alkhonizi ; Supervised Mohamed Roshdy , Sherif Negm , Nadeen Alaa Eldin - cairo : Rimah Shaker Alkhonizi , 2010 - 118P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
This Tril was done an 60 adocumented polycystic ovary syndrome ( pcos failed to ovulate afler using clomphere citrale 150 / day yor thre month ) . These cases will bed ivided randomly dor two gronps , eachaj them - look met formin for three weeks first . Afler that the lstgrcup took twe tablels letra sole 2.5 / day and the Day tree for five days and the 2 and took two tablets clomphere citvate 50 / day an the day three for five days
CC Letrajole PCOS
A randomized trial of combined letrozole with metformin versus clomiphene citrate with metformin in clomiphene citrate resistant PCOS patients / تجربة عشوائية على ليترازول مع الميتفورمين مقارنة بالكلوموفين سترات مع الميتفورمين فى حالات تكيس المبيض المستعصى للكلوموفين سترات Rimah Shaker Alkhonizi ; Supervised Mohamed Roshdy , Sherif Negm , Nadeen Alaa Eldin - cairo : Rimah Shaker Alkhonizi , 2010 - 118P. : charts , facsimiles ; 25cm
Thesis (M.Sc.) - Cairo University - Faculty of Medicine - Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
This Tril was done an 60 adocumented polycystic ovary syndrome ( pcos failed to ovulate afler using clomphere citrale 150 / day yor thre month ) . These cases will bed ivided randomly dor two gronps , eachaj them - look met formin for three weeks first . Afler that the lstgrcup took twe tablels letra sole 2.5 / day and the Day tree for five days and the 2 and took two tablets clomphere citvate 50 / day an the day three for five days
CC Letrajole PCOS